Web ShortCuts⌐ is the quickest and easiest way to get you from here to there.
Web ShortCuts provides the Mac user with access to the World Wide Web through the standard Mac finder paradigm. Web ShortCuts allows you to create icons which point to the actual web site (similar to file aliases). Just double click on the icon from the Mac finder and your web browser executes and takes you to the Web site.
You create your own Web ShortCuts and assign them easily recognizable icons grabbed from your screen. No more worries about remembering cryptic URL (Universal Resource Locator) strings such as "http://amnesia.mind.outof.com/~forget_it.html". Now you can create, save or exchange whole libraries of shortcuts to your favorite web sites!
Web ShortCuts utilizes the most popular web browser applications available to Mac users--
Ñ NetScape
Ñ MacWeb
Ñ Mosaic
Ñ E-World
Ñ America OnLine
Ñ Netshark
And support for others is constantly being added.
******* REQUIREMENTS *******
Ñ Macintosh system 7.x
Ñ 400 k Memory
Ñ SLP/PPP connection to World Wide Web
Ñ Appropriate Macintosh web browser (listed above)
<******* GETTING STARTED *******
After launching Web ShortCuts, the first thing you should do is configure it to recognize your browser. Choose configure from the "File" menu. Select the browser you are currently using and click OK. Please note that Web ShortCuts defaults to Netscape until another browser is chosen.
Now you are ready to create your own short cuts (see "New" below) or you may launch some sample short cuts we have provided in the download file.
******* TO LAUNCH A SHORTCUT *******
To launch a shortcut, first establish your connection to the web via whatever means you utilize. Then from anywhere on the desktop you may doubleclick on a Web ShortCut icon. If your browser is not currently running, Web ShortCuts will launch it, load the URL and take you to the web site. If your browser is already running, it will come to the forefront, load the URL and take you to the web sight. Too easy huh?
"Open"------open a shortcut file for editing or launching.
"Save As" ---save off the new or changed file.
"New" ------create your own new shortcut file. Type in (or paste from the clipboard) the appropriate URL in the edit box. Create the accompanying icon by clicking on the "Clip Image" button and then selecting with the cursor that portion of the screen you wish to designate as the icon. Choose something fairly simple. Remember, it's going to shrink.
"Register..." - register your copy. After paying your registration fee, Wholly Mac Software will issue a serial number which you enter here. This will allow you to legally use Web ShortCuts past the 15 day trail period.
"Configure..." ---Select the Web browser you currently use. Web ShortCuts currently supports NetScape, Mosaic, MacWeb, AOL v2.6, Netshark and E-World web browsers.
"Quit" --------quits Web ShortCuts.
"Copy" -------copy text, (i.e. URL addresses) from clipboard.
"Paste"-------paste copied text.
"Get Bookmarks" - import all bookmarks previously created in NetScape. Bookmarks will become individual Web ShortCut files with the same names. You can select customized icons later from the open web page.
Recurring Windows
"Demo version" window will be continually displayed until you have registered your copy. The evaluation period is 15 days. After 15 days the functionality will be disabled and you will be asked to register. After you enter your assigned serial number, this window will disappear forever.
The editing window lets you edit the URL string and the icon. It also allows you to test load the URL that you have entered.
After registering Web ShortCuts, it will no longer stay in memory after a double click (or drag and drop) of a shortcut file from the finder. Web ShortCuts runs only long enough to see that your shortcut is sent to the browser, then quits to free up memory. To edit and configure your shortcuts, be sure to open the Web ShortCuts application itself from the finder.
THIS IS NOT SHAREWARE! A one time, fifteen day introductory trial period is granted to the user. After 15 days, if you wish to continue using the program, you must pay the appropriate registration fee.
Upon receipt of the registration fee of $18.00 U.S., a unique serial number will be issued to you. The fee of $18.00 covers licensure for single users only. Information regarding multiple site or corporate licensing may be requested from Wholly Mac Software's main offices.
You may order Wholly Mac Products by sending a check or money order to:
Wholly Mac Software
P. O. Box 34046
Las Vegas, Nevada
Please indicate your E-mail address if you would like the registration number sent to you via E-mail (quickest), or send your return address and we will mail your registration number to you via U.S.P.S (not so quick).